

Communication material


Here you can find some of the public deliverables of the project as soon as they become available. They will provide more information on the solutions and activities the ISEDA project is developing.

D1.1 - Report on the Pilot Sites and Follower Territories' domestic violence Eco-systems

Description: The report represents a state-of-the-art comprehensive understanding on domestic violence in the partner countries, providing information on related stakeholders and services, notably crime reporting technologies and support services, investigation and prevention policies and measures.

D2.1 - Training curriculum, its evaluation methodology and Train-the-Trainers Manual

Description: The report includes (1) the evaluation protocol, (2) a list of indicators for the evaluation of the short-term and mid-term learning outcomes and impact of the training and (3) questionnaires and other tools related to the serious game for police officers’ training.

D2.2 - Serious game module on domestic violence

Description: A serious game module, which, through behavioural exercises relying on role play and mock cases, aims to accurately depict the interaction a police officer or judicial system agent could have with victims of domestic violence and thus train the latter into better communicating with victims and more effectively approaching and handling their cases.

D3.1 - Deployment and Evaluation Protocol

Description: A report, which includes the (1) guidelines for a safe, ethical and legal deployment of the chatbot; (2) the protocol to be followed in case of failure/problem with the chatbot; (3) a list of indicators for the evaluation; (4) rule for dialogue supervision organisation, continuous chatbot training and dialogue improvement.

D3.3 - Chatbot Impact Report

Description: Report containing qualitative and quantitative data, including indicators directly provided by the chatbot, in accordance with the impact indicators, on the impact of the chatbot.

D4.1 - Report on the Perpetrator Program Evaluation

Description: A report containing data about the behaviour and attitudinal change of perpetrators, and the impact of this behaviour on the victim-survivors longitudinally and in a comparable way among the different sites.

D4.2 - Awareness raising and education package

Description: Developed materials throughout the awareness raising campaigns and education programs implemented in the ISEDA project, as well as information on their impact and how and what key stakeholders were engaged, including guidelines for adaptation and evaluation, available in the 7 languages of the consortium (BG, GR, ES, CY, EN, FI, IT).

D5.1 - Report on the Replicability study of ISEDA tech-solutions

Description: Report on the potential of the replicability of ISEDA technological and social solutions, notably the chatbot, data platform, the training and the Impact Toolkit of perpetrator programmes.

D5.2 - A policy brief for European common approaches to fight domestic violence

Description: A policy brief for European common approaches to fight domestic violence, including how the data platform can help support policy making.


Here you will find the publications developed throughout the ISEDA project and on its activities.

Scoping of the ecosystems of pilot sites and follower territories

Developing a chatbot to support victim-survivors who are subjected to domestic abuse: considerations and ethical dilemmas

Communication material

Here you will find the communication materials for the ISEDA project.

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