Awareness raising in Greece – Προετοιμάζοντας την απόδραση από την ενδοοικογενειακή βία #ΑWayOutOfViolence

The Greek ISEDA campaign aims to provide information and awareness raising for a coordinated, immediate and effective support and protection intervention for the women survivors of domestic violence and their children, in accordance with the Istanbul Convention and to aims of fostering an intersectoral response to domestic violence.

The campaign targets:

  • Every woman in Greece having experiences of abuse from her husband or partner;
  • Everybody that wishes to contribute to the development of zero tolerance to domestic violence and to the improvement of the protection and support of victims. 

In a simple and easily understandable way, the brochures developed for the campaign present information that is useful and critical for issues such as:

  • What is domestic violence according to the Istanbul Convention and what is domestic violence according to Greek legislation? Can it be reported and when?
  • What is an “ex officio” crime? Why is it important to report domestic violence (by victims and witnesses) when it takes place or immediately after the incident?
  • What are the basic rights that the Istanbul Convention guarantees for women survivors of domestic violence and their children, as well as other victims and witnesses?
  • What is the importance of preparing a safe and successful “escape” from domestic violence? What is the most dangerous timing and why? How to recognise early on the escalation of danger?
  • What are the key considerations in relation to the abuse of children who are witnesses, who are exposed to abuse and who come into contact with the protection system (secondary victimisation)? What are our own responsibilities in this respect?

Find the relevant information on EAVN’s website and social media channels (X, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram,). Follow to find out more and stay tuned for the video of the Greek campaign!

Implementing organisations: EAVN, Hellenic Police and KEMEA