Awareness-raising in Bulgaria – Изход от насилието #ΑWayOutOfViolence

In Bulgaria, the increasing number of officially registered cases of domestic violence and the recent changes to the Protection against Domestic Violence Act in 2024 highlight the necessity for an awareness-raising campaign to address this critical issue. The campaign, named “Изход от насилието” (A way out of violence) aims to educate and sensitise the public on issues related to domestic and intimate partner violence, providing a way for victims to find support and safety.

The campaign targets women and the general public. It seeks to educate these groups on recognising the telling signs of domestic violence, understanding the available legal protections, and being aware of where to seek support.

The campaign focuses on five key topics of critical importance for victims:

  • Healthy and Unhealthy Intimate Partner Relationships: Green and red flags to look out for.
  • Prevention, a Key to Change: Characteristics and good practices.
  • Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence: Defining the two forms of violence and the protections under Bulgarian law.
  • Safety at Home and in Intimate Relationships: Necessary actions and safety tips in cases of domestic violence or intimate partner violence.
  • “Help is Available to You!”: Resources on how and where to get help.

To effectively reach its target audience, the campaign will utilize various communication strategies, including:

  • Brochures and posters: Distribution of informative brochures and posters to provide key insights and guidance.
  • Social media: Posts on the organisation’s social media platforms to engage and inform the public.
  • Videos: Creation and dissemination of videos to raise awareness about domestic and intimate partner violence.

The core message of the campaign is that everyone deserves a way out of violence. By focusing on themes of awareness, recognition, and support, the campaign seeks to change societal stigma surrounding domestic abuse and promote knowledge about healthy versus unhealthy partner relationships.

Support our efforts towards healthier relationships and better support for victims in Bulgaria! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and visit our website to learn more!